Pansies and violas are
amongst our most colourful and prolific of annuals.
What's more they're so adaptable that they can be
in flower in every month of the year in many
Pansies have large flamboyant flowers, violas have
larger numbers of smaller flowers. New varieties
are appearing all the time and small-flowered
violas for winter and spring are becoming
increasingly popular at the expense of larger
flowered summer pansies. Perhaps the most
attractive feature of the whole group is the vast
range of colours and colour combinations &endash;
there's a variety for every taste.
Type Hardy biennial or half hardy
Garden conditions When pansies and violas
are grown for winter and spring colour, they all
enjoy plenty of sunshine. When grown for summer,
they appreciate shade in hotter areas. Any
reasonably fertile soil which is not too wet suits
them well. They thrive in containers of all
Sowing indoors Sow in fresh seed compost and
cover the seed lightly. Keep the temperature below
75F/22C or the seed may germinate poorly.
Pricking out Prick out into trays as soon as
the seedlings are large enough to handle.
Growing on Grow on cool to prevent lank
Planting out Plant out in autumn for winter
and spring flowering, in early spring for spring
and early summer flowering and in late spring for
summer and autumn flowering.
Sowing outdoors Seed of cheaper varieties,
where packets contain lots of seeds, can be sown
outside in a partially shaded place in summer.
Care in the garden Plants in containers
appreciate regular feeding; dead-heading will
encourage them all to flower for longer.
Pests and diseases Greenfly is the main problem,
use a soap spray; leaf spot can be damaging in damp
seasons, look out for a suitable
Variety guide
Viola (small flowered, all season): Sorbet
Series (13 colours), Penny Series (9 colours).
Viola (large flowered, all season): Velour
Series (10 colours)
Viola (small flowered, summer): Princess
Series (6 colours)
Viola ( small flowered, trailing, summer):
'Moonbeam' (yellow), 'Starbeam' (blue), 'Purple
Rain' (purple).
Pansy (medium flowered, all seasons):
Universal Plus Series (19 colours), Ultima Series
(26 colours)
Pansy (medium flowered, summer): Imperial
Series (6 colours)
Pansy (large flowered, summer): Majestic
Giants (6 colours)
to Annuals A-Z