Half hardy annuals with
yellow flowers
Marigolds of various kinds
provide the most brilliant of colours although many other
plants develop into more elegant specimens in the
Antirrhinum 'Yellow Monarch'
Bright and piercing colour. 18in/45cm
Begonia (Tuberous) 'Non Stop Yellow' Bright, fully
double. 1ft/30cm
Calceolaria 'Midas' Fine bedding calceolaria; pretty
slippers. 1ft/30cm
Callistephus (Aster) 'Apricot Delight' Neat double;
unusual and attractive. 2ft/60cm
Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' Semi-double gold; good
perennial. 18in/45cm
Cosmos 'Sunny Gold' Semi-double gold; sow early;
loves sun. 15in/38cm
Gaillardia 'Yellow Plume' Rich yellow and fully
double. 15in/38cm
Matricaria 'Butterball' Bold yellow, lightly fringed
white. 9in/23cm
Mesembryanthemum 'Lunette' Sparkly sun lover; dead
head. 3in/7.5cm
Mimulus 'Malibu Orange' Monkey flower; quick to
flower. 6in/15cm
Mimulus 'Malibu Yellow' Neat and bright; hates
drought. 6in/15cm
Petunia 'Summer Sun' Best yellow petunia; demands
sun. 9in/23cm
Rudbeckia 'Marmalade' Bold golden, brown-eyed
flowers. 18in/45cm
Tagetes 'Lemon Gem' Masses of lemon stars; aromatic
leaves. 1ft/30cm
Tagetes (African Marigold) 'Perfection' Three shades.
Tagetes (Afro-French Marigold ) 'Zenith Yellow'
Brightest. 1ft/30cm
Tagetes (French Marigold) 'Mischief Yellow' Prolific
single. 1ft/30cm
Venidium fastuosum Like black-eyed orange sunflowers;
sun. 2ft/60cm
Zinnia 'Orange Star' Small single flowers; spreading
plant. 9in/23cm
Viola (Pansy) 'Imperial Gold Princess' Yellow, red
blotch. 6in/15cm.
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally