Annual A
plant which completes its entire life cycle in one season;
e.g. alyssum. Also, a seed-raised, naturally perennial plant
whose useful life cycle extends only to one season; e.g.
petunia. See also: ephemeral, winter annual.
plant Any plant set out specifically for a spring or
summer display then removed; e.g. bellis, geranium.
A flower in which two colours appear.
A plant which completes its entire life cycle over two
seasons; e. g. Eryngium giganteum. Seed germinates and the
plant establishes during the summer and autumn of its first
season, then flowers, sets seed and dies in its second
season. Also, naturally perennial plants treated in this
way: e.g. wallflower.
Calyx The
group of small, leaf-like structures enclosing and
protecting a flower bud; each segment is known as a
Fibrous material derived from the outer husk of the coconut;
used as an environmentally friendly replacement for peat in
potting composts but usually less easy to manage. Sometimes
known as coconut fibre.
frame Low structure with solid sides in timber, brick,
concrete steel, aluminium or sometimes plastic with a
removable clear top (known as the 'light') in glass or
transparent plastic. Provides protection from the most
severe weather and used especially for hardening off (see
A distinct special form of a plant which has been selected
in cultivation; distinct from 'variety', which is a distinct
speciual form of a plant which is found growing in the
off A fungus disease which attacks young seedlings,
causing them to collapse and die suddenly (see page
Slender device for making a planting hole in potting compost
or garden soil for large seeds or for seedlings. Usually
wood or plastic.
Shallow furrow in garden soil made with a cane or the corner
of the rake and into which seeds are sown.
An annual plant with a very short life cycle, often weeks.
Usually a weed.
Eye The
centre of a flower, in colour often contrasting with the
rest of the flower.
hybrid (In this context) the result of crossing, often
by hand, two specially selected and highly bred parents. The
resultant plants are usually very uniform, often very
prolific and seed is always more expensive than seed of open
pollinated or F2 hybrids (see below). Most familiar bedding
plants such as petunias, impatiens and geraniums are F1
hybrids. Seed taken from F1 hybrids usually produce plants
unlike both the F1 hybrid and its parents.
hybrid (In this context) the result of allowing F1
hybrids to pollinate themselves and each other, often
indiscriminately. The result is usually variable, but
predictable within broad limits. The resultant plants
usually retain some, but not all, of the qualities of their
F1 hybrid parents but are less expensive. Relatively few
bedding plants are produced in this way but include
geraniums and pansies. Plants grown from seed saved from F2
hybrids can be variable and unpredictable.
grown mixture Seed collected from plants in mixed
colours growing together. The resultant balance of colours
is usually slightly variable and unpredictable.
mixture Seed collected from plants grown separately in
individual colours and blended later in a pre-determined
proportion. The resultant balance of colours is constant and
double A flower in which the number of petals is
dramatically increased so that it appears to consist
entirely of petals.
The development of a seed from an apparently inert object to
a young plant (seedling).
hardy Used to describe annual or perennial plants which
thrive out of doors in summer but whose naturallife cycle is
cut short by the first autumn frosts or by low winter
Harden off
To acclimatise plants raised in a greenhouse or other
protected environment to cooler conditions outside by
steadily exposing them to less protection.
Hardy Used
to describe plants which are not normally killed by
Leggy Used
to describe plants, especially seedlings, which have become
unnaturally thin and stretched owing to their being grown in
low light conditions.
pollinated Of cultivars derived from allowing a stand of
plants to be pollinated by bees or other relatively
uncontrolled means. The resulting plants vary in their
uniformity according to the care with which rogues (see
below) are removed.
seed Individual seeds enclosed in a clay pellet which
breaks down on contact with water. Allows very small seed to
be handled and sown more easily.
White, lightweight, inert material derived from volcanic
rock and used to improve drainage in potting
Used to describe flowers or petals with a pale ground colour
and a dark band of the same or a different colour around the
out The removal of a shoot tip, usually from a young
plant, to encourage the development of side shoots.
Plug plants
Young plants, usually seedlings, grown in individual cells
of compost enabling them to be pricked out or transplanted
without disturbing the roots.
out Transferring seedlings to individual pots, or given
more space in a seed tray, to allow uncrowded
Ray floret
The colourful petals of plants in the daisy family; the
central eye of daisy flowers is made up of disk
Rogue An
off-type, of any sort, in a stand of plants grown by a seed
producer for their seed; e.g. a blue-flowered individual in
a stand of plants of a white-flowered cultivar. If the rogue
is not removed (rogued) the resulting seed will usually
produce a few off-types amongst those which are correct when
grown in the garden; e.g. blue-flowered plants amongst the
crop A stand of plants grown by a seed producer
specifically to provide seed.
stock The batch of seed of a particular cultivar from a
given supplier. Seed stocks from different suppliers may
vary according to the attention given to roguing (see
colour Used of a flower in which the colour is even and
sow(n) Used when a plant in the garden sheds its own
seed which then germinates nearby.
Used of a species or cultivar which will set seed when
pollinated with its own pollen.
Used of a species or cultivar which will not set seed when
pollinated with its own pollen.
Sepal The
leaf-like structure enclosing a flower bud, collectively
called the calyx.
Series A
range of cultivars, usually of a popular bedding plant,
which are very similar in all respects except the colour of
their flowers.
seed To produce viable seed following
sow To place (usually large) seeds individually in the
soil at consistent spacing.
Spur The
slender tube at the back of some flowers, e.g. aquilegia,
usually producing nectar.
Used of a cultivar or an individual plant which is incapable
of producing seed. Sometimes refined as follows: male
sterile, producing no viable pollen but capable of producing
seed; female sterile, incapable of producing seed but
producing fertile pollen.
Removal of the shoot tip, usually from a young plant, to
encourage branching.
Highly susceptible to frost damage.
Thin/thin out
To remove some seedlings from a row in order to allow
those remaining space to develop without crowding.
True/true to
type Of a plant, or group of plants, which matches the
accepted description of the cultivar to which it is assumed
to belong.
annual An annual which germinates late in the season and
flowers early the following season; will also develop
normally from a spring sowing.
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