Half hardy annuals with
white flowers
The purity of white bedding
plants adds brilliance to summer schemes; they blend with
pastels and contrast with bright colours.
Ageratum 'Summer Snow'
Fluffy puffs; dead head regularly. 8in/20cm
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) 'White Wonder' Yellow
throated snapdragon. 18in/45cm
Aster 'Compliment White' Large and frilly; good for
cutting. 2ft/60cm
Begonia (Tuberous) 'Non Stop White' Full double; sow
early. 1ft/30cm
Begonia (Fibrous) 'Olympia White' Pure white; green
leaf. 6in/15cm
Begonia (Fibrous) 'Whisky' Pure white; dark bronze
leaf. 6in/15cm
Campanula (Bellflower) 'Kristal White' White bells;
sow early; trailing habit.
Cosmos 'Sonata White' Stunning prolific dwarf; pure
white. 2ft/60cm
Dianthus 'White Charms' Single, fringed white;
compact. 9in/23cm
Gazania 'Mini Star White' Bold cream daisies; yellow
centre. 9in/23cm
Gilia 'Snow Queen' Yellow throated, pure white;
feathery leaf. 2ft/60cm
Impatiens (Busy lizzie) 'Tempo White' Large flowered,
bushy busy-lizzie. 1ft/30cm
Impatiens (Busy lizzie) 'Accent White' Pure white;
widely spreading habit. 6in/15cm
Lobelia 'White Lady' Clear white; 10% of plants are
always blue. 6in/15cm
Nicotiana (Flowering tobacco) 'Domino White' Neat and
prolific tobacco plant. 15in/38cm
Pelargonium (Geranium) 'Gala White' Best pure white
traditional geranium. 1ft/30cm
Pelargonium (Geranium) 'Multibloom White' Smaller
heads, very prolific. 9in/23cm
Petunia 'Mirage White' Prolific, bushy and weather
resistant. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Supercascade White' Large flowers on
trailing plants.
Salvia farinacea 'White Victory' Flowers in silver
spikes. 18in/45cm
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally