Annual Manual - How To Grow Annual Flowers & Plants

Discovering Annuals, by Graham Rice

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Annual Flowers

Half hardy annuals with purple flowers
Here, unfortunately, there are rather fewer varieties available and even when including the mauve and strongly lavender shades the choice is restricted.

Antirrhinum 'Lavender Monarch' Impressive pure colour. 18in/45cm
Heliotropium 'Mini Marine' Deep purple, scented; bluish leaf. 15in/38cm
Impatiens 'Deco Violet' Good deep violet; dark bronzed leaf. 9in/23cm
Lobelia 'Lavender Lady' Unique shade of pale lavender; 6in/15cm
Nicotiana 'Domino Purple' Rich purple tobacco plant; bushy. 15in/28cm
Petunia 'Mirage Midnight' Deep, sultry, blueish purple. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Supercascade Lilac' Exquisite soft lilac; lax habit. 1ft/30cm
Salvia 'Phoenix Purple' Traditional salvia in true deep purple. 1ft/30cm
Salvia 'Sizzler Lavender' Clear lavender; surprsingly effective. 1ft/30cm
Verbena 'Imagination' Small purple stars in prolific heads; trails.

 blue flowersblue flowersBack to Choosing Annuals.

Hardy annuals - are for sowing in the garden
Half hardy annuals - are for raising indoors or buying in 


Adapted from The Planting Planner by Graham Rice   

©copyright 1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally Watermarked.

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