Half hardy annuals in
unusual colours
Unusual colours can be very
successful and attractive - or create more bewilderment than
excitement; these are the most appealing.
Ageratum 'Bavaria' White
pads with blue filaments; pretty. 9in/23cm
Callistephus (Aster) 'Florette Champagne' Soft creamy
pink; quilled petals. 2ft/6/60cm
Nicotiana 'Unwins Lime Green' Easily the best lime
tobacco. 2ft/60cm
Pelargonium (Geranium) 'Orange Appeal' The purest
orange geranium. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Duo Mixed' Neat doubles in many colour
pairings. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Rose Flare' Cerise, white centre, rich cream
throat. 1ft/30cm
Salvia 'Sizzler Salmon' Pale salmon flowers in darker
heads. 9in/23cm
Tagetes (Afro-French Marigold) 'Seven Star Red' Rich
mahogany fading to orange. 9in/23cm
Verbena 'Peaches and Cream' Pink and orange; love or
hate. 1ft/30cm
Viola (Pansy) 'Imperial Antique Shades' Peachy, beige
and pink. 6in/15cm
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally