
Half hardy annuals with
attractive foliage
These fall into two groups;
some are grown only for their foliage and are good foils for
neighbouring plants, others have good flowers
Amaranthus 'Joseph's Coat'
Green, yellow, red; needs shelter. 15in/38cm
Bassia scoparia f. trichophylla Dense feathery green
bush, turning fiery. 2ft/60cm
Begonia (Fibrous) 'Cocktail' Bronze leaf; five flower
colours. 6in/15cm
Begonia (Fibrous) 'Paint Splash' Spotted white; pink
flowers. 6in/15cm
Begonia (Tuberous) 'Ornament' Bronze leaf; five
colour mix. 1ft/30cm
Beta 'MacGregor's Favourite' Deep bronze foliage;
good foil for hot colours. 1ft/30cm
Canna 'Tropical Rose' Green paddle-shaped leaf; pink
flower. 2ft/60cm
Euphorbia marginata Leaves edged white; good cut
flower. 18in/45cm
Hibiscus 'Red Shield' Bronzey purple, maple-like
leaves. 2ft/60cm
Humulus japonicus 'Variegatus' White splashed leaf;
climbs. 8ft/2.4m
Impatiens 'Deco' Darkest bronze-green busy-lizzie;
six colours. 8in/30cm
Ocimum basilicum 'Dark Opal' Purple leaf basil; likes
shelter. 1ft/30cm
Perilla 'Nankinensis Laciniata' Ruffled aromatic
purple leaf. 18in/45cm
Ricinus 'Impala' Bold, bronze maple-like leaf;
poisonous. 3ft/90cm
Ricinus 'Zanzibarensis' Huge, green-leaved castor oil
plant. 6ft/1.8m
Senecio cineraria 'Silverdust' Broadly cut pewtery
silver. 6in/15cm
Senecio cineraria 'Cirrus' Rounded, lobed, bright
silver. 1ft/30cm
Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum Leaves in upright, flat grey
sprays. 1ft/30cm
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum' Clear yellow; white
heads. 18in/45cm
Tanacetum parthemium 'Golden Ball' Yellow aromatic
ball. 4in/10cm
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally