
Half hardy annuals with
blue flowers
Seed companies have a habit of
using the term 'blue' to describe a variety of lilac shades
as well as true blues; most of these really are
Ageratum 'Blue Horizon'
Fluffy heads; for border or cutting. 2ft/60cm
Ageratum 'Blue Swords' Clear colour; strong, mounded
plants. 9in/23cm
Brachyscome 'Blue Star' Quilled petals, purple
tinted; edging. 1ft/30cm
Callistephus (Aster) 'Blue Bedder' Tight hummocks;
late, double flowers. 1ft/30cm
Campanula 'Krystal Blue' Blue bells; neat trailer;
tiny seed. 9in/23cm
Delphinium chinensis 'Sky Blue' Exquisite penetrating
shade. 15in/6in
Heliophila longifolia Clouds of small, white centred
flowers. 18in/45cm
Impatiens 'Super Elfin Blue Pearl' Blueish, the
nearest so far. 6in/15cm
Lobelia 'Cambridge Blue' Pale blue bushy lobelia;
tiny seed. 6in/15cm
Lobelia 'Crystal Palace' Deep blue set against bronze
leaves. 6in/15cm
Lobelia 'Sapphire' Dark blue with a white eye;
trailing habit.
Lobelia valida 'Blue Ribbons' White-eyed blue;
upright habit. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Blue Daddy' Good blue with attractive dark
veining. 1ft/30cm
Petunia 'Celebrity Sky Blue' The nearest to pale
blue; lovely. 1ft/30cm
Salvia farinacea 'Blue Victory' Slim silver stems;
tight spikes. 18in/45cm
Salvia patens 'Cambridge Blue' Huge flowers, but
sparse. 18in/45cm
Solanum sisymbrifolium Rare, very spiny, but
striking; pale. 3ft/90cm
Verbena 'Blue Lagoon' Good blue heads on spreading
plants. 9in/23cm
Viola (Pansy)'Blue Velour' Small flowered; bushy and
very prolific. 6in/15cm
Viola (Pansy) 'The Joker' Pretty faced blue and white
with yellow eye. 6in/15cm
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally