Hardy annuals with
fragrant flowers
Scent is a scarce commodity
amongst hardy annuals but in addition to the invaluable
sweet peas there are a few exceptional varieties.
Asperula azurea (Woodruff)
Slender, branched plants; lavender-blue heads. 1ft/30cm
Amberboa moschata (Sweet sultan) 'Mixed' Plums,
pinks, yellows and white. 2ft/60cm
Dracocephalum moldavica Violet; leaf and flower
scented. 18in/45cm
Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) Pretty pink sprays;
attracts hoverflies. 2ft/60cm
Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet pea) Most, but not all,
sweet peas are scented. 6ft/1.8m
Lobularia (Alyssum) 'Sweet White' The sweetest
scented white alyssum. 9in/23cm
Lupinus luteus (Lupin) Delicious sweet scent from
bold yellow lupin. 2ft/60cm
Lupinus nanus (Lupin) 'Pixie Delight' Mixed pale
shades; good scent. 1ft/30cm
Matthiola bicornis (Night scented stock); flowers
poor, grow only for its scent. 1ft/30cm
Reseda odorata (Mignonette) Distinctive heavy
fragrance; green, tinted red. 1ft/30cm
to Choosing
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally