Hardy annuals for
Although many half-hardy
annuals for drying can be treated as hardy annuals and sown
direct in the garden in warm areas, these will be more
widely successful.
Ammobium alatum
'Grandiflorum' Pure white everlastings. 2ft/60cm
Bracteantha (Strawflower) 'Drakkar Pastel Mixture'
Pastel straw flowers. 3ft/90cm
Carthamus tinctorius 'Orange and Gold' Everlasting
thistles. 3ft/90cm
Chenopodium 'Andean Hybrids' Like gold, green, red
millet. 4ft/1.2m
Helipterum 'Double Mixed' Papery heads in red, pinks,
white. 1ft/30cm
Helipterum humboltianum Scented yellow, green when
dry. 18in/45cm
Lonas inodora Prolific golden yellow buttons in wide
heads. 2ft/60cm
Salvia horminum (Clary) 'Claryssa' Stem leaves in
best colour mix. 18in/45cm
Scabiosa (Scabious) 'Drumstick' Unusual spherical
bronzed papery heads. 1ft/30cm
Xeranthemum 'Lumina' Superb, prolific double; good
colours. 1ft/30cm
to Choosing Annuals
annuals - are for sowing in
the garden
hardy annuals - are for
raising indoors or buying in
Adapted from The
Planting Planner by Graham
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally