The following plants have
been awarded the Gold Medals by Fleuroselect. Seed
of most, but not all, is available from in garden
centres or by mail order; the rest are only
available to commercial growers.
Ammobium alatum 'Bikini'
Campanula medium 'Champion Blue' 1998
Campanula medium 'Champion Pink' 1998
Celosia (Cristata Group) 'Bombay Purple' 1997
Celosia (Cristata Group) 'Bombay Yellow Gold'
Delphinium 'Centurion Sky Blue' 1997
Fuchsia 'Florabelle' 1995
Gazania splendens 'Daybreak Bright Orange' 1997
Gazania splendens 'Daybreak Red Stripe' 1998
Impatiens walleriana 'Victorian Rose' 1998
Lobelia speciosa 'Fan Scarlet' 1995
Myosotis sylvatica 'Rosylva' 1997
Nemesia strumosa 'Sundrops' 1999
Nicotiana 'Havana Appleblossom' 1995
Papaver orientale 'Pizzicato' 1995
Petunia (grandiflora) 'Prism Sunshine' 1998
Petunia 'Lavender Storm' 1996
Salvia farinacea 'Strata' 1996
Verbena 'Quartz Burgundy', 1999
Zinnia 'Profusion Cherry', 1999