
for Connoisseurs by
Wayne Winterrowd (1992)
This is one
of the first serious books on annuals of recent times and by
a well known and knowledgeable plantsman and much admired
writer. Structured as an A-Z of plants, rather than reducing
the information to a few crisp bullet points each entry is a
discursive blend of recommendations of varieties,
interesting background and practical advice.
There is a substantial and wise practical section, obviously
derived from the author's own experience of raising and
growing the plants, and he clearly understands the
difference between gardening in his home state of Vermont
compared with balmier climates. And although written for the
American gardener British readers will also find much to
The presentation is straightforward rather than slick, the
pictures a little variable in quality, although many unusual
plants are illustrated, but the author's love of good
writing is clear in his own.
Reviewed by Graham
on Annuals Index
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally