
All About Annuals
Ann Lovejoy (1999)
This ideal
first book on annuals, written by one of America's sparkiest
and most popular writers, covers the tender tropicals which
are becoming so popular as well as tough hardy annuals.
The substantial A-Z of annual plants is neatly broken up
into bite-sized pieces and is interspersed with useful
colour tables of individual flower close-ups organised by
flower colour, each plant labelled with the correct variety
name. This makes it much easier to choose the right variety
for the right situation.
There's a pronunciation guide, lists of plants for different
situations including shade, which is always the most
widespread problem area, and plenty of sound advice for
newcomers to the subject. The emphasis is very much on
colour &endash; but then this is what you always get from
in bucketfuls. This is a good value basic
Reviewed by Graham
on Annuals Index
1999 Graham Rice. All Rights Reserved. All Images Digitally