The problem of
Gardeners are often irritated
or confused by botanists changing plant names, however good
the reason, and in recent years changes have taken place in
the botanical names for some annuals as has been the case
with other groups of plants. The situation with annuals is
confused by the fact that the seed trade is even more
reluctant to take up new names than other branches of the
horticultural industry. The result is that new names become
widely accepted in botanical literature and serious garden
writing but the catalogues and seed packets stick to the old
The names used in this book are
not, always, absolutely botanically correct. As you will see
from some of the examples on the following list, if they had
been used they would have been more confusing than helpful.
But it's right to give these names here so that as they
become more accepted over the years gardeners will be better
able to understand to which plants they refer.
So this list covers both names
which are now becoming accepted and also recent changes
which may take some time to become familar. It covers both
plants in this book and other annuals you may find listed in
seed catalogues.
Incorrect old
Correct new
Althaea rosea
Alyssum matitimum
Aster chinensis
Calliopsis bicolor
Centaurea moschata
Cheiranthus cheiri
Chrysanthemum carinatum
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Chrysanthemum multicaule
Chrysanthemum nivellei
Chrysanthemum paludosum
Chrysanthemum segetum
Cineraria maritima
Clarkia elegans
Consolida ajacis
Convolvuls major
Convolvulus minor
Delphinium zalil
Geranium peltatum
Geranium x hortorum
Godetia amoena
Godetia bottae
Godetia grandiflora
Godetia rubicunda
Helichrysum bracteatum
Matricaria capensis
Mina lobata
Pyrethrum ptarmiciflorum
Quamoclit coccinea
Tropaeolum canariense
Alcea rosea
Lobularia maritima
Callistephus chinensis
Coreopsis tinctoria
Amberboa moschata
Erysimum cheiri
Ismelia carinata
Nivellea nivellii
Mauranthemum paludosum
Xanthophthalmum segetum
Senecio cineraria
Clarkia unguiculata
Consolida ambigua
Ipomoea purpurea
Convolvulus tricolor
Delphinium semibarbatum
Pelargonium peltatum
Pelargonium x hortorum
Clarkia amoena
Clarkia bottae
Clarkia rubicunda
Clarkia rubicunda
Bracteantha bracteata
Tanacetum parthenium
Ipomoea lobata
Tanacetum prtarmiciflorum
Ipomoea coccinea
Tropaelum peregrinum
Correct new
Incorrect old
Alcea rosea
Amberboa moschata
Bracteantha bracteata
Callistephus chinensis
Clarkia amoena
Clarkia bottae
Clarkia rubicunda
Clarkia unguiculata
Coleostephus myconis
Consolida ambigua
Convolvulus tricolor
Coreopsis tinctoria
Delphinium semibarbatum
Erysimum cheiri
Ipomoea coccinea
Ipomoea lobata
Ipomoea purpurea
Ismelia carinata
Lobularia maritima
Mauranthemum paludosum
Nivellea nivellii
Pelargonium peltatum
Pelargonium x hortorum
Senecio cineraria
Tanacetum parthenium
Tanacetum prtarmiciflorum
Tropaelum peregrinum
Xanthophthalmum coronarium
Xanthophthalmum segetum
Althaea rosea
Centaurea moschata
Helichrysum bracteantha
Aster chinensis
Godetia amoena
Godetia bottae
Godetia grandiflora, G. rubicunda
Clarkia elegans
Chrysanthemum multicaule
Consolida ajacis
Convolvulus minor
Calliopsis bicolor
Delphinium zalil
Cheiranthus cheiri
Quamoclit coccinea
Mina lobata
Convolvuls major
Chrysanthemum carinatum
Alyssum matitimum
Chrysanthemum paludosum
Chrysanthemum nivellei
Geranium peltatum
Geranium x hortorum
Cineraria maritima
Matricaria capensis
Pyrethrum ptarmiciflorum
Tropaeolum canariense
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Chrysanthemum segetum
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