Sowing hardy annuals From Growing
from Seed Hardy annuals are the
easiest of all plants
to raise from seed. They're described as hardy not
just because they withstand moderate frosts and in
some cases survive our coldest winters. They will
also tolerate soils which are less than ideal, most
will produce a good show in both dry and wet
seasons and even if you don't feed the soil or keep
the plants free from pests and diseases you should
still get a reasonable display. There's an old wives' tale to the effect that
hardy annuals actually prefer very poor soil. It is
true that in their wild homes many grow in dry,
hungry soils and only burst into flower for a short
period after the seasonal rains. But give them
these conditions in the garden and they'll produce
stunted plants which may flower quickly - but which
won't flower for long.
and situation
the site
the seed