DT Brown may not be one of
the largest seed companies but they offer some of
the best value of all amongst the mail order seed
catalogues. Uniquely, they also supply nurseries
through their separate commercial growers catalogue
so they have an insight into all areas of the seed
In recent years they've greatly enhanced their
vegetable list, they were the first to introduce
organically grown vegetable seed, and some years
ago boosted their flower selection with their
Heritage Range of old, but almost lost
DT Brown have reduced the prices of their busy
lizzies and impatiens by up to 25% this year,
following last year's similar reduction in the
price of geraniums, and now offer the best value in
these items.
They also have some good new introductions like the
Bohemian Rhapsody Mixture, Pansy 'Banner Daffodil
Mixed' in yellow shades and the impressively frilly
Pansy 'Can Can'. Salpiglossis 'Royale Orange
Bicolour' is a real stunner, they have a splendid
carefully selected range of sweet peas in their
Spencer Select Range and the first double flowered
fibrous begonia from seed, 'Queen Red'.
Best new DT Brown variety for 2000:
Salpiglossis 'Royale Orange Bicolour'.
Next best DT Brown newcomers: Bohemian
Rhapsody Mixture, Pansy 'Can Can' and Geranium
'Tornado Mixed'.
But think twice about: Helleborus orientalis
'Mixed', germination could be poor.
To order a free catalogue: Ring 01253 882371
or write to DT Brown, Station Road,
Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire, FY6 7HX.
Overseas: They will send seed overseas.
Postage: 75p on all orders up to £15.
Otherwise free. Overseas postage £2.
Website: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~dtbrown/index.htm
Email: mo_enquiry@dtbrown.globalnet.co.uk
Full list of DT
Brown new flowers
Anagallis 'Blue Cascade'
Aster 'Cameo Mixed'
Begonia 'Queen Red'
Bohemian Rhapsody Mixture
Chrysanthemum 'German Flag'
Datura 'Double Eryngium Blue'
Geranium 'Hardy Species'
Geranium 'Tornado Mixed'
Helleborus orientalis 'Mixed'
Impatiens 'Carousel'
Impatiens 'Dreamcoat Mixed'
Marigold (African ) 'Discovery Mixed'
Osteospermum 'Passion Mix'
Pansy 'Banner Daffodil Mixed'
Pansy 'Can Can'
Petunia 'Mosaic Mixed'
Primula veris
Rosa 'Angels Wings'
Salpiglossis 'Royale Orange Bicolour'
Sweet pea 'Rockery Mixed'
Sweet pea Spencer Select Range