Everywhere you go, all
over the world, you see petunias. They are
especially popular in areas with dry, sunny summers
including many parts of the United States,
Australia and South Africa and in northern Europe
too they are amongst the most popular of summer
Since the arrival of the
prolific and vigorous trailing types raised from
cuttings, in particular the Surfinia Series,
petunias have achieved an even higher profile
through their popularity in window boxes and
hanging baskets, both in home gardens and often
more visibly on pubs and bars, offices and in
municipal plantings for city centres.
Rather surprisingly at
first sight, petunias belong to the potato family
where their closest relatives are Nicotiana and
Cestrum. In 1985 it was suggested that the genus
name itself, Petunia, was invalid and that the
correct name should be Stimoryne. Fortunately, the
rules of the International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature allow invalid names to be retained for
well-known plants with a strong commercial
significance and so an outcry from gardeners
everywhere was prevented and the name Petunia
The garden cultivars are
grouped under P. x hybrida, the parents of this
huge group of hybrids being forms of just two out
of about 37 wild species from tropical South
America. These are the white P. axilliaris,
(previously known as P. nyctagiflora) and the
purple P. integrifolia (P. violacea).
Like so many of today's
summer bedding plants including pelargoniums and
salvias, in gardens petunias behave as tender
perennial plants, albeit sometimes rather
short-lived. However their rapid growth and ability
to flower prolifically on young plants allows them
to be raised from seed as half hardy
The ease with which they
root has always allowed unusually good forms to be
grown from cuttings and in the nineteenth century,
before plant breeders had stabilised the different
colours and forms sufficiently to be dependable
from seed, this was commonplace.
It was especially useful
for the double flowered forms as only 20-40% of
seedlings produced double flowers. So the best
doubles were propagated vegetatively and, because
they were highly susceptible to rain damage, in the
UK they were most often grown in the greenhouse or
Petunias from
The transformation in the
quality of petunias came with the development of F1
hybrids. This made it possible for their habit to
be improved and their rather open, floppy growth to
be replaced by a bushier form creating a bolder
impact and being better able to stand up to the
battering of a summer out of doors. At the same
time they were increasingly bred with weather
resistance in mind, an ever increasing range of
colours and colour combinations were created and
cultivars also began to be more clearly categorised
as Grandiflora or Multiflora types. The situation
has recently become more complicated but can be
summarised as follows.
Grandiflora petunias have
large flowers and are best suited to settled, sunny
summers and protected situations in other areas;
they dislike dull, damp and windy conditions.
Breeders have worked intensively improve the
weather resistance of their large flowers and
trials have seen in the last two summers have shown
that the Storm Series, in lavender, salmon and
rose, represents a significant step
The other leading series
are the spreading Supercascade Series in nine
colours, the Falcon Series in twenty one colours,
the veined Daddy Series in six colours and the
improving Prism Series in thirteen
Multiflora petunias have
smaller flowers, but usually in greater numbers.
Recovery after bad weather has been constantly
improved along with the weather resistance of
individual flowers, partly by selecting for a waxy
epidermis which sheds the rain from the petals. The
leading series are the Carpet Series in fifteen
colours and Prime Time in twenty four colours.
Doubles now feature in
both groups and modern series like the Duo
Multifloras in seven colours and the Pirouette
Grandifloras in purple and rose can be relied upon
to produce 100% double flowers. The Duos in
particular are significant advance, featuring
unexpectedly good weather resistance.
More recently the
boundaries have become less clear. Not only does
the Storm Series of show markedly improved weather
resistance but the goal of good weather tolerance
and large flowers has also been approached from the
other angle. New, larger flowered Multifloras,
sometimes classified as the Floribundas, feature
the weather resistance of the Multifloras but with
larger flowers. The Celebrity Series in twenty
colours and Mirage series in nineteen colours lead
the way here.
The most recent innovation
in F1 hybrid seed raised petunias has been the
seven colour Fantasy Series. These are strikingly
different, with noticeably small flowers on small
rounded plants generally more suited to containers
than open ground plantings.
There is fierce
competition between petunia breeders around the
world in the development of new flower colours and
colour combinations. It has still proved impossible
to completely stabilise the white-edged picotee
types and the white-starred types, but their
patterning is steadily becoming more stable in
difficult growing conditions.
Yellow throated types,
sometimes referred to as morn or halo types, are
the latest popular colour combination and feature
in a number of series. Horizon Lavender Sunrise is
an especially striking example of this type,
lavender pink with a yellow throat, but is so bold
as to be almost impossible to place effectively in
the garden.
Yellows have always been
especially difficult in less than perfect
conditions but 'Carpet Buttercream' (Multiflora)
and also 'Prism Sunshine' (Grandiflora), launched
at this year's Chelsea Flower Show, represent
significant improvements. 'Prism Sunshine' is a
spectacular yellow and already a Fleuroselect Gold
Medal winner and an All-America Selection. A
startling scarlet-veined white form will be the
next breakthrough to appear.
Petunias from
Much to many people's
surprise, the most recent innovation in petunias
has been the revival of raising them from cuttings.
The vigorous trailing types, typified by the well
known Surfinia Series, have been an outstanding
success, in spite of problems of virus infection
now prevented by cleaner stock, better screening
and improved nursery practice. Plants have of this
type had been discarded by breeders for many years
until their potential was finally spotted by a
Japanese company but so far the seed breeders have
found this type difficult to stabilise, hence the
use of vegetative propagation.
They make spectacular
sheets of colour trailing from window boxes and
baskets, although their tendency to simply hang
down vertically makes them difficult to combine
with other plants. They are greatly underused as
ground cover both in parks and in new gardens where
a relatively small number of plants would make an
impressive show while permanent plantings are
becoming established.
New cultivars of this type
from Israel have proved themselves both more
prolific and less straggly and these will be
appearing in garden centres this summer. Doubles
and yellows are on the way but this year has also
seen a return to the Victorian approach with the
introduction of double flowered petunias raised
from cuttings.
'Priscilla', a prettily
veined form with a more spreading, less vertically
trailing habit and the bushier 'Abel Mabel', a
sumptuous reddish purple with dark veins, are the
first in two new series of doubles. It is important
to note that almost all these trailing, cuttings
raised petunias are protected plants and cannot be
propagated for sale without a license.
We have also seen first
seed raised plants of this type. 'Purple Wave' and
'Pink Wave' have proved highly successful, if
expensive, introductions, and are valuable both as
trailing plants for containers and as ground cover
where they are especially spectacular and make a
stunning carpet on sunny banks.
Petunias in the
Given just one unshakeable
requirement, plenty of sunshine, petunias are
adaptable plants in the garden. Until the arrival
of the Surfinias, the Supercascade Series of
Grandifloras was the standard for baskets and
window boxes and its spreading rather than strongly
trailing habit combined with its large flowers
created spectacular displays in situations where
the flowers were not overexposed to rain or wind.
The Storm Series is a more weather resistant
newcomer but we await a full range of
Where a bushier habit
combined with more weather resistant flowers is
required for containers, plants from most
Multiflora and Floribunda series will fit in better
with other plants like trailing lobelias,
silver-leaved helichrysums, ivy-leaved geraniums
and verbenas. Even these, however, can overpower
some plants sold for use in baskets such as the
double Lobelia 'Kathleen Mallard', bacopas and the
smaller nemesias like 'Joan Wilder'.
The Wave and Storm series
also make startling ground cover plants in full
sun, although the extent of their spread makes them
better suited to large scale parks and municipal
planting than small home gardens.
For summer displays in
home gardens the Multifloras and Floribundas are
the most dependable and one most useful
developments is their increasing availability in
separate colours, especially as seedlings and young
plants in garden centres. This enables gardeners to
get away from unpredictable spangly mixtures and
use petunias in planned bedding arrangements. It is
also worth searching the garden centre displays of
pot grown mixed petunias and picking out especially
attractive shades.
So the gorgeous soft, but
not quite sugary, pink of 'Celebrity Chiffon Morn'
with its palest primrose throat is pretty in a
pastel arrangement with the silver foliage of
Plecostachys serpyllifolia or Helichrysum petiolare
'Goring Silver' and with red dianthus and white
phlox plus the taller spikes of rose pink Sonnet
The rich purple-blue of
'Mirage Midnight' looks splendid in a sultry
harmony with the bronze foliage of Hibiscus
acetosella 'Red Shield' and 'Bulls Blood'
ornamental beet plus heliotropes like 'Chatsworth'.
Sparks of golden yellow from Tagetes 'Tessy Gold'
or the vivid trailing shoots of Helichrysum
petiolare 'Limelight' make more striking
published in The Garden (the Journal of the Royal
Horticultural Society), Julne 1997