On this shade gardening page you'll find recommended basic books on plants for shady gardens and for beds and borders in the shade. You'll also find more comprehensive books on plants for shady beds and borders which also bring advice on planning shady plantings and on how to make shady areas suitable for as many different kinds of plants as possible.
There's also a listing of nurseries recommended not only for the range of shade loving plants that they carry but also for their quality of their plants and their service. Plus some links to our favourite garden website and blogs.
We hope you find these shade gardening listings useful.
There are also good plants that will thrive in dry shade, shade gardens which tend to have little moisture. Good hedges for dry shade include berberis, symphoricarpus and buxus. Good shrubs for shady borders which are dry include berberis, cotoneaster, danae, euonymus, garrya, hedera, lonicera, mahonia, rubus, ruscus, skimmia, aucuba, ilex and sambucus. If you need a climber in a dry shade situation try hedera or hydrangea. There are also perennials which are good in dry shade, choose from acanthus, alchemilla, euphorbia, evergreen iris, lamiastrum, lamium, liriope, vinca, waldsteinia, carex, dryopteris, epimedium, polystichum and trachystemon. Finally if you'd like to grow some annuals in dry shade then try lunaria and smyrnium.